Roulette is one of those casino games that still has mystery surrounding it, so there are many speculations as to how the game was developed. Blaise Pascal, a philosopher, writer and mathematician from France, has been given credit for creating the wheel for jeux casino en ligne roulette. This happened by accident when he tried to make a machine for perpetual motion in 1655, which failed. Many people believe that French Dominican monks were the first people to play with the wheel in their monasteries and, in the 17th century, took it to Europe with them. By the next century, many games like Roulette had been created, like Hoca from Italy and Even and Odd from England. The game had become quite popular in Europe by the end of the 18th century, and several wheels had been placed in the palaces of Russian Empress Catherine the Great and Turkish Sultan Selim III. 

The Different Wheels and a Trip to America

During the 18th century, the casino en ligne roulette wheel featured 36 red and black numbers, along with 2 pockets labeled with a 0 and 00. By the middle of the 19th century, Germany was introduced to a wheel with a single 0 pocket by Louis and Francois Blanc. French settlers are said to have taken the 0 and 00 version of the wheel to New Orleans the same century. Since the wheel was so widely accepted there, it became known as the American Roulette wheel, while the single 0 version became known as the European wheel. With the game’s introduction to America, it was set up in saloons. As it spread west it landed in Las Vegas around the time that casinos were being built. In the 1970s, Roulette was one of the most popular games to play in the city, and now it’s the third most played after craps and slots.